The Rise Of A Porter

Chapter 196 - Mythical Affinity (1)

"Who\'s next?" Arnold roared inside his domain. Bad-breath, Marshal, Duke, and even Asterios were collapsed next to him. The beatdown was unintentional but the aftermath was something everyone had expected to see.

It wasn\'t as if Arnold was unaffected by participating in the fight club. He had been punched and kicked a few times by his summons but that was the extent of it. Mostly he was suffering from exhaustion after fighting so many of his summons one after the other. He was panting like never before, especially after fighting with Asterios. 


Initially, he fought Bad-Breath without his gears. His bare hands were enough to handle him, but as the opponents got stronger Arnold decided it would be wise to battle once he had his equipment on. The fight with Bad-Breath was exciting but was over once Arnold suplexed him into oblivion. For Bad-Breath, the fight was over but after watching Bad-Breath fight with his master. The others were inspired to fight as well.  Dread, however, refused to raise his sword against his master and stood far away, watching his fellow summons get their ass handed to them by their master. 

Once Bad-Breath had given up, Duke charged at Arnold. To Arnold\'s surprise, he had brought his scythe with him and began using it to attack him. Arnold thought Duke was going out of the line but hell he was enjoying it all. The thrill had consumed his head. Worries about Nicole were long forgotten now and the only thing going through his mind was to defeat his opponent.

Despite using the scythe, Duke wasn\'t able to put a scratch on Arnold. So he decided to take it a step further and transform into the [Undead Reaper], mid-battle. Maybe it was Duke\'s way to wage a psychological battle with Arnold as the reaper was the first dungeon boss who nearly killed him.

When Arnold saw the reaper in front of him, he went... Silent. Duke thought his plan worked and once again charged at Arnold, but as he got nearer to his master, Duke realised something. 

Arnold was affected by the reaper alright, but not in the way Duke had expected. Instead of being tensed after seeing the reaper, Arnold was smiling like he had won a million dollars from a lottery! 

"Boy, have I been dying to have this rematch! I\'ll finally get to kick your ass."

Those were the first words that escape from his mouth. At that moment, Arnold was no longer fighting with Duke but with the Reaper. However, Duke wasn\'t alone. 


Passive sync skill: [Circle of Death] activated!

All attributes of the undead units have been increased by 15%.


The sync skill of the undead had activated and enhanced the attributes of his summons. But a 15% increase in attributes was nothing in Arnold\'s eyes. Had he wanted, he could\'ve easily increased his strength by 150%. But he didn\'t, because he wanted to fight his summons using his own strength and a few gears. He wanted to whoop the reaper\'s a*s and boy, a*swhopping he did.

Arnold wasn\'t serious in the fights which followed afterwards. Marshal was pretty easy to deal with but Arnold accidentally touched his sword and well... Let\'s just say Marshal won\'t have a sword for a while. Arnold promised to make him one once the workshop was up and running, that managed to calm Marshal down a bit. 

The only one he went all out against was, Asterios and Asterios did the same with him. Arnold didn\'t use the Vindicator but he did use both his [Enhanced Phoenix cloak] and [Vritra\'s Wrath] to even the grounds a bit.

Still, the battle was even more intense than earlier battles. But in the end, Arnold managed to overwhelm the Minotaur and deal a decisive blow on the Minotaur\'s head. After watching this fight, no one dared to fight him anymore. No one but... 

"Ohh... Is it my turn now?" Natasha happily squeaked and rushed towards him. Her chest swinging left and right in symphony with her butt. 

"Nope, it isn\'t." Arnold froze the ground around him. She inevitably slipped on the thin layer of ice and fell hard on her butt. 

\'Did wearing the beast collar made her stupid?\' Arnold thought while Natasha rubbed her bubble butt to ease the pain, \'For God\'s sake, use your wings, you bimbo in the heat!\'

"This is not how I expected you to make my butt sore..." She mumbled, still rubbing her butt. 

Asterios thought she was done for now, but to his and all of the summons surprise, Arnold agreed to the duel! 

"Fine, I\'ll do it." Arnold shrugged his shoulders, "But not because I\'m a sick pervert, but because you saved Nina\'s life as well as mine. If that\'s what you wish for, then I\'m obligated to do it."

"Damnit! If I knew about this earlier, I\'d have wished for something else!" She replied, her wings flapping intensely behind her back, "Um... Master. Since I saved two lives, shouldn\'t I get two wishes!?"

Arnold was slowly getting frustrated, but he kept his calm, "You want to do this or not? 

"Of course master. My body and dead soul are yours to violate..." She said and started removing her armour, "But I won\'t battle with you like a bunch of savages. Instead, we\'ll fight like proud and honourable Cubus do. A battle of pleasure."

The summons who was on the verge of death from exhaustion were suddenly back on their feet, smiling like idiots. Even Arnold was stunned by Natasha\'s vulgarity and before he could get a hold of the situation, she was already naked. Arnold hated to admit it but he was quite... har- Excited. Yeah. Excited. 

 Natasha slowly walked towards him. Swinging her stark naked body around. However, Arnold\'s senses soon kicked him in the balls before it was too late. He wanted to distract himself from his thoughts but this wasn\'t what he wanted to do. Regardless of how grateful he was for everything Natasha had done for him this was way out of line. Even for her. 

"W-We\'ll carry-on with this some other time. I just remembered I have some task to complete tonight so... See ya." He said and jumped into a portal, carrying him out of his domain. 

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