The Sage of Einar

Chapter 422 - Conquest Of Kinsale Castle

When Einar returned accompanied by a white deer, all the soldiers of Nordic origin were amazed by the majestic animal with which Einar arrived.

Well, they could not believe how a wild deer was calmly walking with Einar, without using any rope this created questions among all the soldiers.

Einar just ignored them and took his deer to a place near his tent so he could wash it with sulfur soap so he could remove any possible pests he might have.

To his surprise, the white deer enjoyed the bath Einar was giving him, as if it were not the first time he had received a bath.

It took a while, but when it was completely clean, he used a brush to be able to stroke its fur.

After this, he gave orders that he should eat forest food and that he was always being taken care of preventing someone from hurting him.

The next day everyone continued to advance, although the only thing they did not understand was how the white deer was following Einar without using ropes or anything to support him.

Some of the Norse soldiers rumored that it could be some power he had as Odin\'s herald, while some Christian soldiers said it was proof that it was a miracle from Einar.

After advancing for a few days along the path of the Forest, they managed to reach a completely clear area where a small castle was located, unlike the castle of Kinsale.

It had stone walls, and it was a bit bigger. Not only that, but there were more quality troops in the castle.

Despite this, Einar sent a messenger to surrender. Only he was killed before he could speak.

Einar just got angry and gave the order that the soldiers prepare the ballistas, because he planned to destroy the walls of that place.

The soldiers then prepared the siege area and assembled the ballistas, so that the next day everything was completely ready.

Einar then giving an order made the soldiers shoot the giant arrows with explosive tips, when they were fired.

They created explosions in the stone wall and in some cases they managed to eliminate some enemy soldiers who fell through the wall to their death.

The fierce barrage of gigantic explosive arrows lasted for a few minutes until the stone walls could not hold out any longer, so many sections of the wall cracked.

But despite that, they kept firing the gigantic arrows with the ballistas, until one of the sections of the north wall of the castle collapsed completely.

At that moment, Einar placed some snipers pointing towards the gap in the wall awaiting any attack by the defenders.

Although despite the gap in the wall, the ballistas did not stop attacking the other sections of the wall in order to destroy it in the same way.

So after a few minutes, the dust that had covered the vision of the gap that had been created dissipated and they could see how there were somehow many enemy soldiers with shields protecting the gap.

Einar just smiled, so he gave the order for the ballistas to stop and placed all his snipers in front of the gap.

"At my signal they will fire in lines. I want them to fire until the enemy ceases to exist."

All the snipers settled down and waited for Einar\'s signal.

Einar drew his revolver and shot one of the shielded soldiers who fell immediately dead.

The snipers then used their Nordic carbines to shoot. The enemy soldiers fell to the ground without understanding how they had died.

In just minutes, they manage to completely destroy all the soldiers who were protecting the gap with shields.

When the gap was completely clear of enemies, Einar ordered the soldiers to advance while the snipers stayed behind to kill any enemy on the walls.

The soldiers entering the castle realized the large number of deaths were just that, unlike the civilians who had died.

Seeing the corpses of enemy soldiers did not bother them at all, so they continued on their way, killing some of the enemy soldiers who had survived.

When the exterior of the castle was completely cleaned, Einar placed a stick of dynamite on the wooden doors of the battlement tower, which exploded after a few seconds.

When the door fell to the ground, Einar entered the battlement tower with his snipers to be able to fight against any enemy.

Holding his revolver, Einar entered with his soldiers. At that moment, an arrow collided with Einar\'s steel cuirass so he raised his revolver and fired at an archer on the stairs.

His snipers aimed their carbines and prepared to face many enemies, however apart from the archer there seemed to be no other enemy soldiers.

So Einar decided to go up the stairs with other of his soldiers. When they reached the first floor, they could see a few women who were hugging each other in fear.

All of them were naked and had marks on their bodies that showed they had been raped.

Einar only felt sorry for the women, so he ordered that they be provided with food and clothing. When he went up to the next floor, Einar could smell a smell of putrefaction.

When he went up, he realized that it was a room where the corpse of a man and a woman was on the bed, by the time the corpse was supposed to have been a few weeks.

From what he could assume that perhaps the castle was in the hands of bandits or some rebel soldiers, although there was always the possibility that the owners of the castle had died.

When he came down the stairs, he approached the women who were drinking water from canteens, so he spoke in Latin.

"Some of you know what happened in this place."

One woman looked at Einar sadly. "The king\'s son and his wife were killed by their soldiers after a fight.

Because of that, they took the castle, and we have been held hostage here for weeks, but I suppose they must not be soldiers commanded by King Chongelt. "

Einar smiled. "I am the Konungar Einar, King of the Norse, herald of Odin and messiah of god.

I am on my mission to eliminate the Christian kingdoms of this island in order to unify it. "

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