Magical Academy: Rise of the Supreme Magic Craftsman

Chapter 333 - The Confrontation I

Beep! Beep! Beep!

Ace immediately woke up after hearing Avalon\'s alarm…

[ We have 10 minutes left before we arrive at ESN1 Asteroid. ] 

"Very well… Have the automatons activated and inform the pilots to standby in their Mech Knights."

[ Affirmative. ] 

Ace stretched out for a bit as he truly had a good nap as if they are not going to war.

[ The automatons and the Mech Knights are ready. ] 

It didn\'t take long before the preparation to sortie was completed. 

Ace was already seated at the Captain\'s Seat within the bridge and saw everything… 

"Alright… Go ahead and open the Linear Catapult… Let them complete their task."

[ Affirmative. We will start with the First Mech Knight Division followed by the Second Division that will carry the Mind Stone Mines before we will send out the automatons with the Mana Artifacts. ] 

"Go ahead… Proceed with that arrangement."

There are already planted space mines in this region and their only task was to add the Mana Artifact Traps and Mind Stone Mines stealthily… Of course, these space mines weren\'t stationary and can slowly move according to their will… 

As long as someone has a strong Arcane Link, it wouldn\'t be difficult in controlling them…

[ We still have 45 hours before we get into their scanning range. ] 

"I see… We have plenty of time. Tell the pilots not to get too pressured. Just place all the traps carefully… Right, Freya should\'ve given missions similar to this, correct?"

[ Yes. However, only about 40 players managed to reach that level. ] 

"That little? Well, it should be fine… Just guide them in case something went wrong…"

[ Affirmative. ] 

Well, the second part of the game, or the Alien Invasion: Moon Project was quite complicated so he understands why only a select few can trigger difficult missions. 


Hilda and her team were sent out first to survey the area…

They needed to ensure the safety of the next Mech Knights and Automatons that will be launching out. 

After all, they will be carrying extremely valuable materials to halt the advance of the Empire…

They have to do this perfectly or they will suffer.

"It\'s clear…"

"Sector B clear…"

"Launching Observer Wards…"

[ All Green. Sending the Second Knight Division. ] 

Avalon followed up as they smoothly continued the operation.

Ace was monitoring everything as the automatons went out to install the 5th Gen Mana Artifacts…

After one of them was placed in its position, Ace closed his eyes and tried sensing it… 

He couldn\'t feel any Mana from it… He used the Excellence\'s radar and didn\'t find anything wrong with it…

It is completely \'invisible\'… The solidified blood was working really well…

Ace was satisfied at the first trap so he just silently watched on his chair and monitor everyone\'s work…

Several hours had passed and the installation was all completed. 

"Sir Wallace… We completed our mission. We\'re going back to Providence…"

"We also completed the Mind Stone changes…" 

The two leaders of the Knights Division reported in their private channel.

"Great! It wouldn\'t be very long before the battle starts… Remember, do not sacrifice your life… If you found that you\'re not in a good position, run away… Use the Magic Node if necessary. Return to Moon Base or descend to our planet if you can… This is for everyone… I hope you are all listening…"

Ace said as he gave his final instructions… 

Later on, he would no longer have time to converse with them and it would mostly be done through Avalon. 

"We understand, Sir Wallace!"

They all said in unison even though the man didn\'t hear them on the other side. After all, he only has his link open with the two leaders…

Then, the Providence, together with the Mech Knights disappeared somewhere within the space…

They have used a Magic Spell\'s Stealth and were now waiting for the ambush…

Ace could no longer communicate with them as any traces of their connection might be detected by the Empire… On the other hand, Mana Based communication might affect his link with Mana Artifacts they planted so they needed to avoid it for now as well.


Several hours had passed and Ace was finally notified by their Observers about the presence of the Empire\'s Fleet. 

They did not change their route as expected and followed the Omen IV\'s path… 

\'They really used the Arians as their Vanguard without them knowing it…\' Ace smiled wryly after realizing this… 

Nevertheless, this allowed them to predict their next movements and make preparations in advance so he was still thankful for that.

[ Switching from First Phase Defense Protocol to Second Phase ] 

They have been in the First Phase ever since they\'ve detected the Empire\'s entry using their wormhole.

However, now that they were about to clash against them, the protocol was changed. All Avalon\'s operating system outside the planet would be used to fight against the Empire… 

Ace looked at the formation of the enemy… It would only take 3 or 4 minutes to reach him at their distance.

The huge interstellar starship or the Imperial Starship was at the center of their fleet, while 6 Conqueror Starships were in front with a bow formation. 

There were also 10 Invader Starships above them, 8 Black Sovereign Spaceships below them, and 6 Conveyor Spacecraft behind the fleet.

They have a total of 31 space vessels moving at the same speed and path.

They have a simple formation but it is very effective considering that the Conqueror Starship has the most balanced abilities in terms of defending and attacking…

He looked in the direction where the Providence is hiding and ensured that their stealth wasn\'t broken yet…

[ We have successfully deceived the enemy\'s sensors. ] 


It was something that Ace wanted to hear the most. Now that they have gotten closer to each other, he expected to have difficulties in hiding their presence. It was because their anti-detection would normally weaken at this distance…

However, now that Avalon confirmed the effectiveness of their devices, he felt that it is a very good start in this battle…

Finally, after reaching a certain distance, the Excellence slowly showed itself in front of the Empire\'s Fleet… 

He hadn\'t opened his linear catapults or readied his impulse cannons as his spacecraft seemed to be harmless in front of the huge fleet. 

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