Blood Warlock: Succubus Partner In The Apocalypse

Chapter 510 - Annihilation Equivalent To Almost 1/7 Of Humanity & Legend Grade Treasure

Slowly, Bai Zemin stood up with his body drenched in sweat and covered in blood stains that obviously did not belong to him but belonged to the battlefield where hundreds of thousands of asuras had been slaughtered by him hours ago.

He took several deep breaths while Shangguan Bing Xue and Kang Lan stared at him closely in amazement. He examined his body carefully and surprise flashed in his dark eyes.

The two holes that pierced his body from side to side could no longer be seen anywhere and the fiery burns left by the flaming spear that Glineira used to fight him in the Oblon World disappeared as if they had never been there in the first place. Bai Zemin looked under his left shoulder and a sigh of relief automatically fled from his mouth when he felt that connection that had been lost before.

"Are you okay?" Shangguan Bing Xue took a step forward and circled around his body several times as she asked softly, "Your arm? How does it feel?"

Bai Zemin did not respond and instead walked toward one of the mountains of corpses where at least a few tens of thousands of bodies belonging to the asuras that had invaded Earth.

The mountain of bodies was about seven or eight meters high and when Bai Zemin stood next to it he looked like a toy doll in comparison.

Bai Zemin took a deep breath and strangely or not he was in no way disgusted by the slightly putrid smell that was slowly beginning to fill the air. The corpses in a battered state, after being exposed to the sun for practically the entire day, were starting to decompose faster than normal.

Under the eyes of thousands, Bai Zemin jumped with vigor and rose more than fifteen meters in an instant, surpassing the height of the mountain of flesh. Then, he activated Gravity Manipulation in reverse at its maximum possible to decrease his falling speed tremendously and casually observed the ground beneath him.

"Overlap Regeneration." Bai Zemin whispered under his breath.


That distinctive golden glow once again surrounded the outline of his silhouette giving him the appearance of a god who had descended to the mortal world. Bai Zemin silently borrowed 500 points from his Agility stat and transferred them momentarily to his Strength stat.

Then, he turned his body in the air so that his head pointed toward the ground and activated Gravity Manipulation except that this time he increased the gravity around him x15 times!


In mid-fall, his body caused the air to explode several times and just before colliding with the top of the mountain of corpses he clenched his left fist hard and punched forward viciously without holding back at all.

This was a punch that charged the natural falling speed of a body multiplied by 15 times added to almost 1500 Strength points!


The mountain of corpses practically collapsed when Bai Zemin\'s fist connected with the first body on the top and a thunderous explosion resounded at the same time as the moon began to rule over the sky.

Some soldiers fell to the ground on their butts as the earth rumbled and vibrated while others let out shrill screams as they were not expecting anything like this at all.

Boom! Boom!

The ground collapsed forming a crater over two hundred meters in diameter while cracks several tens of meters in length extended on the outside of the crater.

The corpses disappeared as if they had never existed and instead what filled the air was a dense cloud of blood that slowly began to float downward as it was attracted by the gravity of the world. Strangely, however, all of the blood cloud began to gather in a single point bit by bit.

Shangguan Bing Xue walked to the border of the crater and looked down at the central part as she said without knowing whether to laugh or cry, "Was it necessary to do such a thing?"

Bai Zemin was standing in the center of the crater with a satisfied expression on his face as he lightly clenched his left fist. No one but him understood the fear he had felt earlier at the thought that he might never be able to regain his lost limb and only he could understand the thrill of regaining it in the midst of despair.

Bai Zemin raised his head slightly and looked Shangguan Bing Xue in the eyes as he said with a faint smile, "Well, I also wasn\'t sure if my left arm was still working well so I had to try it."

"Besides..." Bai Zemin paused for a moment and surveyed his surroundings proudly as he said aloud, "Look, didn\'t I save a lot of work and time?"

The corner of Shangguan Bing Xue\'s mouth twitched a couple of times. Her bright blue eyes scanned the inside of the crater and in her pupils reflected the gleam of a few thousand small objects with different colors that had been embedded in the earth.

All these small objects that glittered with multicolored lights creating a beautiful sight were naturally thousands of Soul Stones.

Bai Zemin\'s previous punch had crushed the corpses but if there was something that he could not destroy with mere physical strength it was the Soul Stones. Therefore, the pressure of the punch and the air it carried behind it pushed all the Soul Stones into the crater causing them all to become embedded in the ground.

"I wonder about that." Shangguan Bing Xue sighed and raised an eyebrow as she stared at him, "Now we won\'t have to send a team to drill heads but we will have to send a team to dig into the ground to get all this stuff out of here."

Bai Zemin shrugged in return and said with a defeated expression, "Don\'t worry about small details... You can\'t always achieve the best result, can you?"

Shangguan Bing Xue shook her head and smiled toward him as she said in a clear voice:

"Congratulations on your quick full recovery."

Bai Zemin looked at her and smiled slightly in return.



The night passed extremely slowly as there was much, MUCH work to do.

Therefore, even though Shangguan Bing Xue and Bai Zemin were mentally exhausted after all they had been through in just one day, neither of them could close their eyes all night.

The first thing that was done was to gather all the most needy survivors of the Baiquan Camp where Bai Zemin introduced himself as the new top leader of the camp. Then, he offered large quantities of mutant beast meat for these survivors who although not starving were beginning to show signs of malnutrition after feeding only on gruel or rice for so long.

In this chaotic world where rules were lost, where there was food, there were people willing to work hard to get it. Therefore, Bai Zemin easily gathered several hundred men and women willing to work hard for several hours and sent them all to gather the Soul Stones that were stuck inside different craters; craters which had been formed by Bai Zemin\'s blows after transforming the bodies of all the hundreds of thousands of asuras into a bloody mist.

Of course, all that bloody mist was returned to its liquid state and then duly stored in the liquid storage pearl since Bai Zemin needed to recover his blood supply. After all, the blood that he previously stored had completely evaporated when Bai Zemin formed the giant blood trident in the Oblon World.

Therefore, except for the Second Order blood needed to make magic brews, Bai Zemin needed more blood in order to use his Blood Manipulation skill.

Next, Bai Zemin dispersed his trusted men among the human army that formerly belonged to Baiquan Camp to guard the four gates of the base. After all, nighttime was the best time for the mutant beasts to attack with a surprise attack.

While those leaders who had been delegated by Bai Zemin to important positions within the Blood Spear Legion took their troops with them to occupy the strategic points and the most important areas of the base, Shangguan Bing Xue personally took it upon herself to communicate with the central base two days away and reported their total victory.

Chen He along with a few other powerful soul evolvers immediately left for the north to escort the huge caravan that would move southward as soon as the preparations were completed under the care of Lu Xiaoyao and a few others.

Fortunately, the night passed without too much trouble and Bai Zemin was able to settle down easily in what was formerly the mayor\'s villa.

It was 7 a.m. when Bai Zemin finally sat up in his new bed and plopped down on his back. As his outwardly recovered but internally exhausted body bounced up and down on the comfortable mattress, his black eyes gazed at the chandelier hanging from the ceiling with desicivity.

Suddenly, a round and bright glow appeared in his line of sight. Just as he was startled, several messages flashed across his retina.


[Mission \'Destroyer of Destroyers\' finished.]

[The current is deemed unable to return to the Abandoned World.]

[Calculating success rate.]

[Calculations completed.]

[Completion rate equivalent to 20%.]

[Recording major achievements....]


Bai Zemin closed his eyes and sighed as he slowly sat up.

"As expected, even after all that it\'s only 20% out of 100%."

Bai Zemin was not too surprised by this result. After all, Oblon World was too large and he had barely managed to kill some tens of millions of asuras either directly or indirectly.

Although he had managed to deal a great hit to the asura race, it was far from enough to shake the roots of this race that had existed for who knows how long. This was not to mention the other races that probably inhabited the Abandoned World such as the ghost race that Ghost Emperor Jack had told Bai Zemin before.

Therefore, a 20% termination was even more than what Bai Zemin had expected.

"If the full power of my last Crimson Blood Judgment had been spread correctly, things might be different though." He sighed again before slowly sitting up.

More messages flashed across his retina.


[Major accomplishments explored and recorded.]

[Direct killing of 2 Third Order existences.]

[Direct killing of 210 Second Order existences.]

[Direct killing of 58,157 First Order existences.]

[Direct killing of 5,834,619 Unclassified existences.]

[Indirect killing of 11,682 Second Order existences.]

[Indirect killing of 552,518 First Order existences.]

[Indirect killing of 857,267,428 Unclassified existences.]

[Sorting by gender and age ....]


The numbers of people who lost their lives either directly by the hands of Bai Zemin himself or as a result of his devastating attacks began to appear before his eyes with precision.

One by one, the Soul Record left out none of them.

All of these soul records were forcibly etched into Bai Zemin\'s soul as if this seemingly supreme being was unwilling and not in the mood to let him forget.

Bai Zemin sat on the edge of the bed and looked down at his hands. His steady, cold dark eyes blinked as multiple complex emotions flashed in his gaze fixed on a single point.

His hands were white, so white that there was not even a speck of dirt on them. However, in Bai Zemin\'s eyes, his hands were far from white.

There was nothing there and he knew that what his eyes saw was just a mere illusion created by himself. But to him, his hands were as red as a demon\'s where there was nothing but filth.

"Almost a billion lives..." Bai Zemin whispered and let himself collapse again. As he looked at the glowing ring that slowly gave shape to the treasure that the Soul Record would give him as a reward, he muttered in a flat voice, "In just one day, I took the lives of almost a billion living beings. If this were the Earth, then about 1/7th of humanity would be annihilated in just the span of a few hours..... Children, women, old people... All of them. Even newborns."

These were much higher numbers than Bai Zemin expected to see.

Even with his determination, feeling the names of nearly a billion lives being recorded onto his soul, and even being forced to learn their ages, Bai Zemin naturally felt sorrow for what he did.

Even though it was kill or be killed, even though he had grown so much in such a short time; the reality was that it had only been a little over two months since it all began. Even if Bai Zemin\'s personality had been affected by countless aspects that forced him to change, he still did not forget that two months ago he was nothing more than a young man who easily mixed in the crowds.

Bai Zemin sighed for the third time in a matter of minutes and slowly stood up.

He reached out his hand toward the ring of bright light just in time for the light to burst out and reveal what was hidden inside.

He didn\'t bother to look at it right now and with steady eyes but his heart somewhat heavy, he said to himself:

"Time to meet my family."

Now, no one could stop him.

As he opened the bedroom door to head for the shower, a message flashed across his retina.

[You have received Cyan Orb, Legend grade.]

"I just pray to god or the devil that they still live.... And if they are alive, I hope they might be able to accept a monster such as myself."


The door closed firmly and the room was silent once again.

The remaining glowing particles of Soul Power danced around the luxurious room, slowly dimming until they disappeared completely leaving behind nothing but darkness.

* * * * * * *

Really thank you very much to all those who send gifts to the novel and support with valuable Golden Tickets. I hope we can all keep it up <3

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