500th Time Reborn, A World Only Known By Women: The Karma System

Chapter 370 Breakfast

The next morning, I woke up in bed alone, but I smelled something good cooking. I got up and dressed, heading out into the kitchen to find Elfinia and Listenia both cooking.

I went over and kissed both mother and daughter, but they really looked more like sisters or friends, and after last night I was starting to think of them more like that. It was better than the other way.

"Mornin. Smells good." I smiled at them both after pulling away and leaning against the counter.

"Good morning. You sleep well?" Listenia began pulling plates out, and Elfinia started dishing up the food she was making. My mouth was starting to water from all the food being cooked, but Listenia pushed me to sit down before I could look to see what it was.

"Like a rock, and a cloud, and…something else that sleeps well. It was great, though. Thanks for letting me stay here again last night. And you two slept in late today, I think because of it too, so…good job, me, I guess! Hey, this chicken is really good, by the way; I could get used to this cooking." I grinned and shoveled more food into my mouth.

Elfinia chuckled and shook her head, "Don\'t worry about it; we don\'t mind if you stay over sometimes. Now eat up so we can go open the store for the day."

"Just curious, but what had made two of my favorite girls that seemed to be at each other\'s throats start to be so friendly with each other? Did something happen down in your weapons shop?" I asked, looking to Listenia because I knew Elfinia wouldn\'t say.

"I honestly can\'t tell you. When Elfinia came back from spending time with you up north, she really seemed like a different person. There was the same resistance, but we have been talking more, and she has been teaching me more about your magic since she has the same kind of magic as you and me," Listenia explained, and I nodded while getting up from the table.

I walked over to Elfinia, who was washing some dishes and not looking back and wrapped my arms around the once Elf Goddess from behind. "Don\'t worry about it. You\'re different now, I can tell. You have changed for the better, and Listenia has, too," I said, holding her close and kissing her on the neck before walking back to my seat at the table and digging into my food some more.

The two of them chatted for a little bit longer until we all finished eating, then cleaned up everything before heading down to open Elfinia\'s weapons shop that day. I told them that I had to go, and both of them shared a long kiss with me before I opened a portal to Tallia.

"You know where the other side of my door is! Do you mind knocking before opening a portal directly into my room!" Tallia snapped as I hopped through the portal and went over to crawl into bed with her after kicking my shoes off.

"Hey, Babe!" I laughed as I kissed my goddess in her white kitty PJs. "Did I tell you that you look adorable in these?" I grinned, and Tallia sighed as we got snuggled up in the bed together.

"No, you didn\'t! But I had a feeling you were thinking about it." Tallia chuckled and turned to face me, her platinum hair falling over us both as she kissed me gently on the lips. "So what brings you back this way?" she asked, leaning against my chest as her head rested on my shoulder.

I told her all about Torrain\'s surrounding towns and all the improvements that I had made, the monster girl village, and what I had left to do. When I was done, Tallia smiled, but then it dropped, and was replaced with a tired look.

"Kira was placed in custody, and she is likely to get islanded along with a few others that were doing the same thing. We did some digging around, but it looked like there were only about five of them doing it to the girls that they were given. Any amount is too many, but I wanted to make sure that we got them all before moving in to grab them," Tallia explained, and I sighed. That had been bothering me, but I was curious about the punishment.

"What is islanded?" I asked, adding. "I mean, I am pretty sure I get it, but an explanation would be nice."

"It is where they take the criminal, and they are placed on an uninhabited island with nothing but the clothes on their back. They have to learn to fend for themselves, grow their own food, and build their own shelter. It doesn\'t kill them, but it doesn\'t promise them life either," Tallia explained, and I nodded.

"I see. Well, this is what you get if you think you are going to get away with sexually abusing women that they were supposed to be guiding and taking care of. I personally would have just killed them and been down with it, but if you are dealing with it, I will leave you to it," I said, and Tallia chuckled.

"You are always so eager to punish people that have done wrong. It is one of the things that I love about you," she purred, and I grinned.

"It is one of the things that you love about me? What are the others?" I asked, and Tallia began to rattle them off.

"Your determination, your strength, your magic, how much you care for me…there are quite a few, but there are a good number of things that annoy me about you. Would you like to hear those as well?" My goddess grinned, and I chuckled as she began to list them off.

"I think I will pass on that, but thank you for thinking of me," I said, and Tallia chuckled as she pressed a kiss to my neck.

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