Young Master Damien's Pet

Chapter 307 Bye Bye Fingers- Part 2

"Are you alright, Miss?" the butler asked, his face looking worriedly at her.

"I am alright. Thank you for before," she thanked him.

"Let me get something cold so that you can apply it on your neck," Durik offered. As much as he wanted to get out and leave Quinn\'s mansion so that he could work where there was no fire breathing down his neck, his sense of responsibility came in first to offer help to the lady.

"It\'s okay. The pain should disappear in some time," but the butler continued to look at her neck, "Are there marks on the skin?" she asked, her voice coming out to be dull. Seeing the butler nod, her lips set itself into a thin line.

"Let\'s go inside, milady," Penny walked inside the mansion, the butler following closely behind her. Thankfully it was the season of snow where ice could be found everywhere, "Please take a seat in the dining room. I will be back soon," the butler spoke politely before asking, "Would you rather go to the room?" he asked.

Penelope was no lady who was used to being waited by a butler or a maid to do her work, "Could you get me a bowl and a cloth," she said looking at the butler. The butler was quick to go to the kitchen and come back with a clean cloth as well as a bowl. She went back outside, going near the statues where the snow had acc.u.mulated to more than three inches. She first spread the cloth on the bowl and then scooped the top layer of the ice to place in it. Placing enough ice, she folded the cloth and then placed it on her neck.

With the already cold atmosphere, Penny only s.h.i.+vered further when the cold wrapped ice made contact with her skin.

She could feel the light burn on her skin as she pressed the cold cloth on her skin, s.h.i.+fting the position every now and then. Walking back inside the mansion where the butler stood waiting for her, he followed her again but the timing was so perfect that the sound of the carriage could be heard which was approaching towards the mansion on the bridge.?Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

Both the butler as well as Penelope had their heads turned towards the entrance of the mansion. The butler\'s hands going cold as the carriage came to stop right in the front. Damien stepped out of the carriage, walking in to see the butler\'s face that had turned pale. Ignoring the butler, his eyes then fell on Penelope but before his eyes could meet hers, there was something else that caught his attention.

The dark red marks on her neck which looked like fingers being imprinted where someone had squeezed her neck with a lot of strength. Not asking a word, he started to walk towards her. Every single step of his daunting and heavy on the marble floor. His eyes turned darker looking at the skin that had been sc.r.a.ped leaving thin red angry lines on her now.

Catching hold of her chin, he moved it to the right so that he could take a better look at her neck. When his sister Grace had dragged Penny a few weeks ago to the Isle Valley, treating her like her own pet he had broken her fangs in retaliation for what she did. He would have done worse if she wasn\'t hanging by the thin luck of being part of Quinn\'s family.

She had been fine when he had left her at Yuvaine\'s house. Did something happen there? Anger coursed through his skin, his eyes beginning to flicker to black and red. The rationality that was present in his mind was slipping away into darkness and he felt nothing but anger.

Damien asked her, "Who touched you?" his eyes brooding down at her and waiting for her to answer so that he could find the sc.u.m who did this to her. Penelope who had been holding the cloth of ice dropped her hand down to her side when she noticed his eyes. His emotions were taking over and so was the corruption. When she didn\'t answer his question, his voice thundered in the hallways, "WHO?"

The butler who was standing not too far away flinched due to the octave with which Master Damien spoke. h.e.l.l had been unleashed and now the master was only waiting to kill the person who had squeezed the lady\'s neck. Even the maids who were far away from them didn\'t bother to come and look at what happened as they sensed that Master Damien was furious right now. n.o.body wanted to face the wrath of the pureblooded vampire. It didn\'t stop the family members from stepping out of their room to see what happened.

Before Penny could answer, the butler decided to give the answer to his master so that he wouldn\'t be agitated further. It was told to never test the patience of an angry man. With a shaky voice, the butler said,

"Sir, it was Mr. Reverale," Damien\'s face turned sour, his jaw ticking in anger he turned his face to the side where the butler stood behind.

Without missing a heartbeat, Damien ordered, "Bring the man here."

"N-now?" stuttered the butler.


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