Godlike Player in a Game-Like World

Chapter 270 Impending Doom (Part 7)

People frequently view golden-grade items as being extremely valuable due to their singularity and rarity in the universe. If a person were to attempt to craft the same item using a recipe, the crafting process would unavoidably fail unless the original item was either destroyed or rendered incapable of being used in some other way. Due to the fact that they are one-of-a-kind, these items cannot be replicated, which further contributes to the rarity and value of the items in question.

Because of this, it is normally impossible for a poor world like the world mentioned in this diary to be able to purchase an item of golden grade. They were, however, fortunate enough to be able to do so because a lot of people did not want this item because it has a limited usage area, is only limited for single use, and does not have a success rate of one hundred percent. As a result, the price of this item decreased, which allowed them to purchase it at a reduced cost.

The reason why the skill did not guarantee a 100% chance of success was due to the uniqueness of the seven souls that could be summoned through the item. Each of these souls was one-of-a-kind, with only one existing in the entire universe. If all of these souls were already bound to other bodies, it would be impossible to reach them and summon them, even with the power of the item.

In addition to this, one of the dangers that came along with using this item was the fact that the owner of the item had no way of determining in advance which of these seven souls they would call forth when they used it.

However, it didn\'t seem to matter much to them which one would come, as they were obviously confident in the fact that they were all exceptional souls. To put it more succinctly, even if Lust had appeared, at the very most he would have established a harem for himself out of all the women in their world.

Therefore, every characteristic that belonged to these seven souls had some sort of deficiency, but as long as they contributed to the advancement of their world and the human race, that deficiency was of no consequence to them.

As Zephyr continued to read, he cast a curious glance in Raydon\'s direction and muttered with a voice brimming with interest, "I wonder which one they managed to summon in the end."

<As soon as we obtained this item, we believed that we had finally solved the problem of finding a soul to inhabit the human body that we had created. 

But very quickly, another issue surfaced. The creation of a superior human race was our objective, and we made every effort to ensure that the body we produced was entirely human. However, the soul we selected to inhabit the body was patently not human.

In point of fact, this soul did not belong to any particular race, and the origin of this soul was a mystery to us.

Because of this, our initial thoughts regarding the project\'s ethical implications were called into question.

What attributes define someone as belonging to a particular racial group, such as the human race, and what attributes define someone as a true human being? Are human beings distinguished solely by possessing human genes in their physical body, or is it the connection of their soul to the fundamental essence of humanity?

In the face of limited time and urgency, we set aside debates about such philosophical questions and swiftly made the decision to utilize the soul without dwelling too much on the matter. And finally, we reached the consensus that souls transcend racial boundaries and acquire their own distinct identity once they inhabit a physical body.

As a formation master and the bearer of a heavy burden of responsibility, I moved swiftly to make use of the golden-grade item as the core in order to construct a formation that would make it possible for the summoned soul to be transferred into the body.

And at that point, all that was left to do was activate this formation and watch to see which soul would incarnate within this body.

The activation of the formation, which contained a golden-grade item at its center, was in point of fact a challenging task. All the item holders in our care had to work together to make it happen. We persisted for an entire year in order to activate the formation, and we were ultimately successful in doing so thanks to the sequential transfer of their mana and the utilization of a large number of life cores.

Up until that day, we had never seen the activation of a skill that belonged to a golden-grade item. As we beheld the unfolding spectacle in front of us, we were left speechless, our tongues held captive by awe and wonder.

In a matter of seconds, depressing dark clouds spread across our entire world, and we could feel the world quaking all the way down to its core. We had a brief moment of panic when we realized that the very world that we had worked so hard to protect could be taken away from us by our own hands using this skill. 

Even though I\'ve seen a lot of different summoning skills in the past, this one was definitely unique. What we sought to summon was undeniably extraordinary, and fortuitously, the soul we desired was anything but ordinary.

After enduring six months of enveloping dark clouds and pervasive vibrations resonating from every corner of our world, we were on the verge of conceding our failure and contemplating halting our efforts to prevent further harm to our world. 

However, just as we were about to give up hope, a momentous event played out in front of us: all of those ominous black clouds gathered into a single point in the sky, where they formed a whirling black rift.

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