What Do You Mean My Cute Disciples Are Yanderes?

Chapter 1227 It's Still A No From Us

(Brendan POV)

After that night, Master brought us back to our original World and the first thing I did was sit in a corner of the Courtyard with my knees tucked against my chest while I rocked back and forth.

"Ughhhhh… What was wrong with me…"

I felt Master pat me on the back, "Come now, that was still a version of you, you know? And it wasn\'t that bad."

"I had a threesome with Master… With Sylphy…" I groaned, hiding my face from view.

"Well… In that World, that was actually something that happens pretty frequently."

"Just let me bury myself and die, Master…"

"Oh, you\'re fine. Whatever happens in that World stays in that World. Unless you go around sharing it of course, then that\'s on you."

There\'s no way I could tell Master that the girls have been sharing everything so far and they would definitely want me to share mine as well… Plus, Senior Sister Manami would definitely be going through my memories to get pictures of Master for Tsuki and pictures of bartender Master would definitely be something they would kill to get.

They would definitely know what I did in that World after that… And I will never get to hear the end of it…

My only hope is that they\'re all too busy dealing with the Supreme Gods rejecting their challenge to care about me instead…

Knowing them though… I doubt that would happen…

After assuring Master that I would be alright, I trudged back to my room and sure enough, my sisters were all gathered there waiting for my return.

The looks on their faces already told me that they were all waiting for me to come back to tell them what happened on my outing with Master.

"There he is! Come, come! We\'ve been waiting for you!" Senior Sister Eris greeted me, patting on my own bed to get me to sit down.

I sighed, resigning myself to my fate as I took my position and readied myself for what was to come.

Two hours…

That was how long it took for me to finally tell them what happened.

I ended up telling them everything and Senior Sister Manami even materialised pictures of not only Master in His bartender outfit, but also pictures of my threesome with Him while I was in my female self.

"Oh damn, that\'s hot~ Sylphy eating you out while Master rams her from behind~ This is definitely going to my collections~" Senior Sister Diao Chan laughed, putting a picture that she picked up to stuff in between her bosom.

"I never really noticed this the last few times but you do have a nice figure even as a girl, Brendan," Senior Sister Lian Li commented.

I hid my face with my hands, "Tha… Thanks I guess?"

It\'s not that I was looking to be praised for that… I really wasn\'t…

But I guess I have to admit that the female me does look quite good, I wonder if she works out or if it\'s just because she was also a Practitioner?

Senior Sister Manami sighed, "Ara? But that\'s such a shame though. Master never actually did you, I thought for sure you would be riding on top of Master with how aggressive this version of you was."

I shook my head, "Apparently in that World, I wasn\'t in that kind of relationship with Master either. I… I seem to also think that I wasn\'t good enough for Him."

Senior sister Kiyomi tilted her head, "That\'s what you always say, Brendan. To date, your excuses have consisted of \'I\'m the most junior disciple and thus it\'s inappropriate for me\', \'I\'m unable to change my gender\', \'A mortal like myself is not suitable for Master\', \'A person who isn\'t able to fulfil Master\'s task of creating Origin Liquid should not think about such an honour\' and \'I don\'t think Master even looks at my female form that way\'. It\'s always something else preventing you from doing it."

Ugh… How does she remember all that?

Then again, I have been repeating them whenever my sisters ask about it so I guess I shouldn\'t be that surprised either…

I shook my head, "I\'m still fairly certain that the current me is not good enough. I need to improve myself even more before I can even think about it…"

This wasn\'t just some other excuse I just came up with! Not at all!

Speaking of which…

"How is the challenge with the Supreme Gods going?" I asked.

That question seemed to cause everyone except for Cai Hong to sour immediately.

Senior Sister Lian Li cursed, "Those stupid Supreme Gods! They think they\'re too good for us! We tried to ask them why they would reject our challenge and you know what they said?! They said they don\'t need a reason to reject us and that\'s it! Even after we told them that we were even the direct disciples of Master Himself, they didn\'t care! How dare they?!"

I scratched my cheek, "Could it be just because of the fact that we did not offer anything as a wager for them as well? After all, with a challenge like this, they are at risk of losing everything while we don\'t have anything to lose even if we were to fail in our challenge."

"That was what we thought too," Sister Tsuki spoke up. "But even after we offered to challenge them while wagering something equal in value, they simply turned us down again and claimed that nothing we offered would convince them to bet on their own positions as Supreme Gods."

"Huh… Are they addicted to the power that the position gives them or something?"

Senior Sister Lian Li sighed, "We don\'t know and they refused all communication with us after that. So we can\'t even negotiate with them anymore."

That\'s when Sister Elaria stood up on her bed, "That\'s why, let\'s just invade them!! … Is what I would like to say but we all know that even if we were to gather up everyone and march on their gates, we would just be wrecked anyway so that\'s not even an option."

I shrugged, "Well, then maybe we should just forget about it?"

"No, no, we just need to be smarter than them," Senior Sister Diao Chan mused while tapping her chin with a finger. "They can reject us now because we are challenging them privately. We all know the Gods compete amongst themselves rather frequently, all we have to do is find the next time where they would appear and we can challenge them publicly!"

My other sisters all seem to agree with the idea.

"We\'ll just look out for the next event like the previous battle royale where they will show their face," Senior Sister Lian Li decided.

"And then issue a formal challenge to them in front of the other Gods. Ha, let\'s see them reject us then!" Senior Sister Eris laughed.

Senior Sister Manami laughed, "Ufufufu~ Even if they were to reject us again, I doubt this would look good to the other Gods either so it\'s perfect for us~"


Well… I\'m just glad that they weren\'t focused on my gender changing anymore…

But is this really alright though?

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