Epic of Vampire Dragon: Reborn As A Vampire Dragon With a System

Chapter 99 - Love?


Chaos suddenly learned four new Abilities out of nowhere! All these Abilities were Magic, just like Abyss had Space Attribute Magic as an Ability.

Abilities, unlike Skills, had Levels, meaning that they could level up after constant use or by learning and comprehending a lot of that Skill, increasing all of their effects to greater extents.

Chaos remembered that he was usually given a free level up to all of his Abilities whenever he evolved, so maybe these Magic Abilities would grow stronger by him merely evolving!

However, for now, he wanted to try them out, it seems that the more it Leveled, the more complex spells he could be able to use, and the less they would cost Mana.

However, because Chaos had a tremendous pool of Mana and already had the Skill that let him comprehend Runes incredibly easy by eating that one Demon of Magic Runes, he was already able to use up to Level 3 Spells even a Level 1 by brute-forcing his way through the magic circles with his skills and ridiculous mana quantity.

However, he decided to not practice this in the library because he would destroy all of these precious books and more.

After this enlightenment, Chaos decided to begin Abyss classes. As he started to slowly and patiently teach her how to read.

"This letter here is "A" it is written in two ways… Here and there," said Chaos, showing the capital A and the little A. It was fairly different than the actual A of the English Dictionary, but the pronunciation was the same.

"A… I see!"

Abyss wasn\'t a slacker either, her mind wasn\'t slow, as a being as strong as a Shoggoth, who was said to have been created for the creation of advanced technology and more, her thought process was incredibly fast and her memory near photographic, just like Chaos.

After teaching her the basic letters, Chaos made her read a few lines.

"The… Li… Little Spider… Was… Craw… Crawling through… Ahm… Erm… The cave?" she asked.

"Yes, correct, now read it without interruptions," said Chaos, his eyes gleaming with crimson-red light, he was a strict teacher.

"The Little Spider was crawling through the cave!" said Abyss, as she smiled.

"Good girl," said Chaos, as he rewarded Abyss with a little petting over her head. Abyss seemed pleased with this little reward, so she did her best to receive a lot of affection.

The hours went by, and it was already 1 PM, Chaos and Abyss had come here early in the morning, around 6 AM, so they were here for over six hours.

At the end of these hours, Abyss was already reading very fluently, surprising Chaos.

"Excellent, you\'ve gotten fine at reading, but you need some more practice, although the basics are already there. You should grab any book that you\'re interested in and read it inside your room whenever you got free time, this way you can practice your reading," said Chaos.

"I see, thank you very much, my lord! It wasn\'t even necessary to do this to me yet… you did it without even seeming annoyed," said Abyss while blushing.

Chaos felt something within his chest as he saw Abyss blushing cutely, despite being an abyssal eldritch horror descendant, her adorableness as a humble and cute girl was still there.

"Well, I believe it was for the best. Being with you doesn\'t annoy me," said Chaos.

"R-Really? Even when I am clingy and stuff?" asked Abyss.

Chaos suddenly felt a bit nervous, although he couldn\'t show it with his expressionless face.

"No, I like when you… are clingy. It makes me feel your affection better… I like to be at your side," said Chaos.

Abyss skipped a beat as she glanced with shining yellow-gold eyes at her master.


She jumped over Chaos as she started to entangle his body with her slimy body.

"Master, I will always be with you then! I-It is fine to be clingy? R-Right?" she asked, as she hugged her lord.

"Well yes… But…"


Abyss continued to hug and lick Chaos with her long tongue, Shoggoth\'s way of showing her affection might seem misleading to many, as she looked like she was about to eat Chaos or something.

"I would prefer if you could not entangle me too much…" sighed Chaos.

"Oh! O-Okay! Hehe…"

Abyss quickly let go of Chaos as she went into her humanoid form.

"S-Sorry… My emotions tend to become unstable…" she sighed.

"There\'s nothing to be sorry about, just mind your manners a bit," said Chaos, as he smiled a bit and petted Abyss again.

Abyss seemed happy to be accepted by her master, as she suddenly wondered something.

She averted her gaze from him and began to blush a bit…

"M-Master… D-Do you like anyone?" she asked.

"Like?" asked Chaos.

"L-Like… Liking… Finding them attractive… Like… Do you like Dura? Or Natalia? Or… Lilith? Do you like any of those girls?" she asked.


Chaos began to ponder this for a bit, but he didn\'t want to disappoint the adorable Abyss.

"I believe they are all loyal servants and attractive physically, yes… But in terms of liking, I believe you win over the others," said Chaos.

"EH?! W-What?" asked Shoggoth while getting as red as a red slime.

"Feelings are something I am still trying to develop completely. There are still many factors and things I must experience to fully assimilate emotions. However, Abyss is the closest to the concept of "liking" someone as you asked me… I feel like I should feel embarrassed over this but… It is hard to show my emotions in this body, I am sorry if this is awkward for you. Could this be considered a love confession?" wondered Chaos.

Abyss felt like she was about to faint!

It seems that Chaos always liked Abyss…

"M-My lord! Y-You really like me?!" she asked.

"Indeed, I believe I do," said Chaos.


Abyss went all crazy, as she started to move around everywhere frenetically.

"Abyss, please calm down a bit…" he sighed.

"B-But this is big! T-This is… Ah!"

Abyss rushed towards Chaos, as her face got near his.

"M-Master I also… I-I also like you!" she said.


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