Re: The Villainess Does It With Class

Chapter 184 - Meeting The Queen

The three of us then started going towards the knight\'s training ground which is, by the way, off-limits to any outsider because it\'s dangerous. Swords go flying every day and could impale you if you\'re not quick enough to evade. And if you would just strut in like a lunatic, either a knight could elbow you or just generally hurt you by accident.

So stay on the sidelines or better yet, don\'t get close at all. 

I\'m fine right now because Luther and Eon are with me so I don\'t feel jittery at all. And most importantly, I know their rules and abide by them. 

"But this is truly unfair, isn\'t it?" grumbled Eon, still pouting like a child.

"Are you still not over that? Dude… Why don\'t you just tell that directly to the Emperor then?" Luther pointed out.

Eon glared at him, "Are you stupid? Do you want me to die?"

\'Oh, dear…\'


"Then why do you keep complaining?" I butt in.

"Coz it\'s unfair for the vice-captain!" he exclaimed.

"Huh…" I scoffed and shook my head.

Isn\'t it understandable that if the higher-ups won\'t tell you anything then you have no right to ask? He definitely knows that yet here he is...

"Aren\'t you retiring soon though?" Luther commented.

"I\'m still in position, you know," and pouted even more.

Their exchange sure caught my attention.

"Wait, you\'re retiring too?"

First, it was Conrad, and now him...

Eon\'s face gradually got better until he looked like a smug little bastard, grinning at me.

"That\'s right, I\'m going to start learning the ropes in the family soon. I\'m going to be a count!"


Come to think of it, he is the eldest son of Count Riviere. I must have forgotten about that because he acts like such a manchild most of the time.

Hmm… Will my brother retire someday too? He\'s the future marquis after all… Just thinking about that, I definitely tasted sour in my mouth. I\'m not against him being the head of the family but the thought that someday, dad will…

Wait, let\'s not go there.

"Luther here will take my place after I retire so I\'m training him," Eon added.

"Good for you, Luther. Should I start calling you vice-captain now?" I teased.

Luther caught on with my intention and grinned.

"I like the sound of that. Vice-captain Luther… Hmmm..."

"Hey!" Eon snapped at us-- "I\'m still vice-captain, you know!"

"But not for soon," I refuted him, which only made the frown on his face get deeper.

"Heh," Luther snorted at the side, seemingly holding in his laugh.

"You guys!" Eon protested, looking at both of us as if we betrayed him or something.

His mouth was pressed into a hard line while his brows were about to join each other from the way his forehead is knotting.


It makes me want to tease him more. Fufufufu~

"It\'s better to familiarize oneself and practice early, right? That\'s why from now on, Luther is the vice-captain in my eyes."

"Nads!" he whined as he stared at me begrudgingly.


Ah, dang it. I had missed this stupid banter.

"And you! Why are you laughing?" He then turned towards Luther who\'s laughing his ass off at the side. He\'s easily amused by things, so this sight of him bawling over from laughter is not new. 

"You shouldn\'t be too confident, you bastard. Kai is your toughest competition right now, you know," Eon groused.

"Kai?" I muttered, surprised by what he said.

I mean, I know that he\'s a talented young man but wow… really?

Luther had stopped laughing now and smirked at him in response.

"That\'s a kid, why would I be threatened by a kid who\'s still wet behind the ears?"

\'Kid?! Well, yeah… he\'s fifteen after all. Still, he shouldn\'t belittle my Kai like that.\'

"That kid you\'re talking about is skillful as heck and has been surprising the seniors lately. There are already talks about him being a great knight in the coming future. He can likely fill the vice-captain position instead of you so you should watch out," said Eon.

"That\'s right! Nathan personally trained him if you don\'t know. And Kai can kick your ass!" I fired back.

\'I believe in Kai supremacy!\'

Luther flinched, "Wha-- Weren\'t you just rooting for me?"

"Not anymore…" 


We finally reached the grounds and the first one I saw was Kai, who was drinking water at the side. He looked like he was just done sparring someone judging from the sharp glint in his eyes when he turned to us.

"Kai!" I yelled, so unladylike.

"Nadia! You\'re here?" He muttered and approached us.

"Oh, yeah. I just came to say hi," and beamed at him.


His bangs were sticking to his forehead because of the sweat and at that moment, it occurred to me that he\'s grown now. He\'s no longer the adorable 11-year-old I once picked up. 

Time really flies so fast...

Remembering the conversation from earlier, I patted him on the shoulder and gazed at him with all seriousness.

"Listen, Kai, I\'m rooting for you…" I muttered.

He blinked once and cocked his head sideways.


He looked so confused. So cute~

"Nads!" Eon exclaimed.

"Hey!" Luther joined him at the same time.

Chuckling lightly, I brushed their comments off and bid my goodbye.

"Alright, I\'m leaving now."


I went to the usual spot which is the palace garden specifically dedicated to the Empress\'s leisure. Not any of the knights nor servants stopped me and just let me be, for this is a routine by now. Have I told you that already?

Anyways, I took my time crossing the small cement bridge and kept telling myself that I will build one just like this. The pavilion came into view and before I could even get there, I could already see my aunt who was accompanied by someone else. It was none other than the queen.

\'Nn? Should I go?\'

I mean, won\'t I interrupt them? Maybe they are in the middle of a royal-only meeting. Or they might be discussing something really important which I shouldn\'t just carelessly intercept. 

But then again, these palace escorts didn\'t say anything so maybe… is it alright to interrupt them?

My aunt hadn\'t informed me that she has other engagements for today so I\'m quite troubled. 

"Her Majesty is waiting for you, Lady Nadia," said the empress\'s servant, who must have noticed my reluctance.

\'Is that so? Hmm, alright then…\'

Looks like nothing is out of the ordinary except that we had a plus one. And it\'s the queen at that.

Aren\'t I being too privileged and lucky? First, I get to call the mother of the empire, aunt. Secondly, I shared a table with the lord of the Arcane Tower. And now, it seems that I will get to meet the queen in person too.

Sometimes, I even scare myself.

"Good afternoon, Your Majesty, Your Highness," and curtsied perfectly.

I never curtsied in front of the Empress ever since we started having this tea party but now that we have another company, might as well be respectful.

"Nadia! Sit down," said the Empress which I naturally obeyed.

I sat down on the Empress\'s left side and am now facing the enchanting dark-haired woman.

"So, this is the rumored darling of the ball," uttered the queen.

The smile plastered on her ruby lips was definitely saccharine sweet and made my heart race.

It was nuts.

I knew that she\'s beautiful from afar but it\'s better up close. Plus the fact that she could make me feel butterflies with her beauty… when I see enchanting beauties every single day... That\'s a feat right there!

\'She\'s hypnotizing…\'

And I meant it literally.

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